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主讲课程: 植物营养与施肥(本科)、植物营养学实验(本科)、植物营养与施肥(双语)、中外主文献研读(硕/博)

电子邮箱: yanghuaiyu(at)


2018年至今 西南大学BOB·体育综合APP下载教授、博士生导师

2007-2018 德国图宾根大学植物分子生物学中心、达姆施达特工大、莱布尼茨蔬菜花卉研究所、霍恩海姆大学从事博士后研究工作








中德国际研究生培训项目,GRK2366Adaptation of maize-based food-feed-energy systems to limited phosphate resources2018-2027,在研,参加。



Herrmann MN, Wang Y, Hartung J, Hartmann T, Zhang W, Nkebiwe PM, Chen X, Müller T, Yang H (2022) A Global Network Meta-Analysis of the Promotion of Crop Growth, Yield, and Quality by Bioeffectors. Front Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.816438

He X, Zhang L, Hu Y, Liang Z, Zhang W, Meng Q, Zou C, Chen X, Yang H (2022) Pursuing sustainable high-yield winter wheat via preanthesis dry matter and nitrogen accumulation by optimizing nitrogen management. Agron J 114: 1229–1245

何炫颐,王可欣,董月华,习向银,杨怀玉(2022) 植物NLP转录因子研究进展.江苏农业学报, 2022,38(03):830-836.

Yang H, Klopotek Y, Hajirezaei M, Zerche S, Franken P and Druege U (2019) Role of auxin homeostasis and response in nitrogen limitation and dark stimulation of adventitious root formation in petunia cuttings. Annals of botany 124(6): p. 1053-1066.

Yang H, Menz J, Häussermann I, Benz M, Fujiwara T, Ludewig U (2015a) High and Low Affinity Urea Root Uptake: Involvement of NIP5;1. Plant Cell Physiol 56: 1588–1597

Yang H, Stierhof Y-D, Ludewig U (2015b) The putative Cationic Amino Acid Transporter 9 is targeted to vesicles and may be involved in plant amino acid homeostasis. Front Plant Sci 6: 212

Yang H, Fecht-Bartenbach J von der, Friml J, Lohmann JU, Neuhäuser B, Ludewig U (2015) Auxin-modulated root growth inhibition in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with ammonium as the sole nitrogen source. Funct Plant Biol 42: 239–251

Yang H, Postel S, Kemmerling B, Ludewig U (2014) Altered growth and improved resistance of Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae by overexpression of the basic amino acid transporter AtCAT1. Plant Cell Environ 37: 1404–1414

Yang H, Krebs M, Stierhof Y-D, Ludewig U (2014) Characterization of the putative amino acid transporter genes AtCAT2, 3 &4: the tonoplast localized AtCAT2 regulates soluble leaf amino acids. J Plant Physiol 171: 594–601

Yang H, Ludewig U (2014) Lysine catabolism, amino acid transport, and systemic acquired resistance. Plant Signal Behav 9: e28933

Straub D, Yang H, Liu Y, Ludewig U (2013a) Transcriptomic and proteomic comparison of two Miscanthus genotypes: high biomass correlates with investment in primary carbon assimilation and decreased secondary metabolism. Plant Soil 372: 151–165

Straub D, Yang H, Liu Y, Tsap T, Ludewig U (2013b) Root ethylene signalling is involved in Miscanthus sinensis growth promotion by the bacterial endophyte Herbaspirillum frisingense GSF30(T). J Exp Bot 64: 4603–4615

Yang H, Bogner M, Stierhof Y-D, Ludewig U (2010) H+-Independent Glutamine Transport in Plant Root Tips. PloS One 5: e8917

Yang H, Li C and Zhang F (2007) Shoot Apex Demand Determines Assimilate and Nutrients Partitioning and Nutrient-uptake Rate in Tobacco Plants. J Integr Plant Biol 49: 1654–1661

杨怀玉, 李春俭 (2006) 顶端调控对烤烟生长、主要矿质养分吸收和分配特性的影响, 中国农业科学39(9): 1846-1852.

杨怀玉, 李春俭 2006第三章 烤烟生产钾素研究进展, 李春俭,张福锁主编,2006,烤烟养分资源综合管理理论与实践,北京:中国农业大学出版社. ISBN9787811170788








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