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研究领域:土壤侵蚀 面源污染

主讲课程: 土壤肥料学 3S技术及应用










1.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“土壤侵蚀背景下的西南山区典型水库富营养化历史反演” (41807071)

2.主持中国博士后面上资助项目“沉积物分子标志物反演水体富营养化历史” (2017M622947)

3.主持重庆市博士后特别资助面上项目“利用沉积物分子标志物反演水库水体富营养化历史” (Xm2017075)


1.Tan SJ, Xie DT, Ni JP, Chen L, Ni CS, Ye W, Zhao GY, Shao JA, Chen FX*. Output characteristics and driving factors of non-point source nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the Three Gorges reservoir area (TGRA) based on migration process: 1995-2020. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 876, 162543.

2.Tan SJ, Xie DT. Ni CS, Zhao GY, Shao JA, Chen FX*, Ni JP*. Spatiotemporal characteristics of air pollution in Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration (CCUA) in Southwest, China: 2015–2021. Journal of Environmental Management 2023, 325, 116503.

3.Tan SJ, Xie DT, Ni JP*, Chen FX*, Ni CS, Shao JAWang JL, Zhu D, Wang S, Lei P, Wang J, Xu JF. Identification of nonpoint source pollution source/sink in a typical watershed of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China: A case study of the Qijiang River. Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 330, 129694.

4.Chen FX, Wang XY, Li XX, Wang JL, Xie DT, Ni JP*, Liu YJ. Using the sediment fingerprinting method to identify the sediment sources in small catchments with similar geological conditions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 2019(286), 106655:1-13.

5.Chen FX, Fang NF, Wang YX, Tong LS, Shi ZH*. Biomarkers in sedimentary sequences: indicators to track sediment sources over decadal time scales. Geomorphology 2017. 278: 1-11.

6.Chen FX, Fang NF*, Shi ZH. Using biomarkers as fingerprint properties to identify sediment sources in a small catchment. Science of the Total Environment 2016. 557-558: 123-133.

7.Chen FX, Zhang FB, Fang NF*, Shi ZH. Sediment source analysis using the fingerprinting method in a small catchment of the Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2016. 16(5): 1655-1669.

8.陈方鑫,张含玉,方怒放*,史志华. 利用两种指纹因子判别小流域泥沙来源. 水科学进展 2016. 276):843-851.

9.Fang NF, Chen FX, Zhang HY, Wang YX, Shi ZH*. Effects of cultivation and reforestation on suspended sediment concentrations: a case study in a mountainous catchment in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2016; 20(1): 13-25.

10.Fang NF, Shi ZH*, Chen FX, Zhang HY, Wang YX. Discharge and suspended sediment patterns in a small mountainous watershed with widely distributed rock fragments. Journal of Hydrology 2015; 528: 238-248.

11.Ni LS, Fang NF*, Shi ZH, Chen FX, Wang L. Validating a basic assumption of using Cesium-137 method to assess soil loss in a small agricultural catchment. Land Degradation & Development 2017; 28(5): 1772-1778.

12.罗义峰,陈方鑫,周豪,龙翼,严冬春,谭文浩,李丹丹,陈晓燕*. 次降雨过程中不同土地利用配置对径流中氮流失的影响. 环境科学 2021, 46(5), 2260-2267.

13.周豪,陈方鑫,罗义峰,龙翼,周继,王小燕,李丹丹,陈晓燕*.降雨径流过程中土地利用优化配置对磷流失的影响.环境科学 2022, 43(7), 3597-3607.

14.Chen Shibo, Chen Lei*, Liu Xuejun, Pan Yuepeng, Zhou Feng, Guo Jinsong, Huang Tao, Chen Fangxin, Shen Zhenyao. Unexpected nitrogen flow and water quality change due to varying atmospheric deposition. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 609, 127679.

15.Zhong Shouqin, Chen Fangxin, Xie Deti, Shao Jingan, Yong Yi, Zhang Sheng, Zhang Qingwen, Wei Chaofu, Yang Qingyuan*, Ni Jiupai*. A three-dimensional and multi-source integrated technology system for controlling rural non-point source pollution in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 272, 122579.

16.Tan Shaojun, Xie Deti, Ni Jiupai, Chen Fangxin, Ni Chengsheng, Shao Jing’an, Zhu Dun, Wang Sheng, Lei Ping, Zhao Guangyao. Characteristics and influencing factors of chemical fertilizer and pesticide applications by farmers in hilly and mountainous areas of Southwest, China. Ecological Indicators 2022 143: 109346.

17.Tan Shaojun, Zhao Guangyao, Peng Chao, Ye Wei, Xie Deti, Chen Fangxin, Ni Chengsheng, Shao Jing’an, Zheng Liping, Ni Jiupai* Multi-scale effects of landscape on nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in a subtropical agricultural watershed: A case of Qi river basin (QRB), China. Ecological Indicators (2023).147: 110017.










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