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主讲课程: 本科课程:《环境学概论》、《环境化学》、《资源与环境前沿》

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2021.06-至今 教授,中国西南大学BOB·体育综合APP下载环境科学与工程系

2019.12-至今 Guest Researcher,瑞典农业大学森林生态与管理系


2016.02-2019.11 Researcher, 瑞典农业大学森林生态与管理系

2015.04-2016.01 Research Associate博士后 (VR Fellowship), 瑞典农业大学森林生态与管理系

2013.09-2013.12 Research Associate博士后 (IHSS Fellowship), 美国Ball State University化学系

2012.07-2016.06 讲师,中国西南大学BOB·体育综合APP下载环境科学与工程系

2007.09-2012.06 农学博士学位 农业环境保护 (硕博连读) 中国西南大学

2003.09-2007.06 工学学士学位 环境工程 中国西南大学



《湖泊科学》(中文EI), 编委(2019-至今)

《环境科学》(中文EI), 青年编委(2022-至今)

《地球化学》(中文核心), 青年编委(2022-至今)

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (BECT) (SCI), Early Career Editorial Board Member, (2021-至今)

Journal of Environmental Sciences (JES) (SCI), Early Career Editorial Board Member, (2021-至今)



《湖泊科学》年度优秀编委,2020, 2022

Outstanding Reviewer of Urban Forestry&Urban Greening, Elsevier, 2018

Outstanding Reviewer of Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, 2017

Excellence Reviewer of Chemosphere, Elsevier, 2016

IHSS Traveling Award for Young Scholars (IHSS), 2013

Ronald Malcolm AwardInternational Humic Substances Society (IHSS), 2012



国家自然科学基金面上项目(42177209) (在研)

国家自然科学基金面上项目(41977275) (在研)

国家自然科学基金青年基金(41403079) (已结题)

重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0571) (在研)

重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划(创新类资助) (7820100521) (在研)

重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目 (cstc2015jcyjA20021) (已结题)

环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室开放课题(KF2020-08) (在研)

持久性有毒污染物环境与健康危害湖北省重点实验室开放课题(PTS2020-01) (在研)

环境地球化学国家重点实验室开放课题(SKLEG2021201) (已结题)

西南大学先导计划团队(青年团队项目)(SWU-XDJH202320) (在研)

中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金一般项目(XDJK2013C151) (已结题)

中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金重点项目(XDJK2015B035) (已结题)

国际腐殖质学会IHSS Training Funding (已结题)

代表性学术成果 (2017-至今)


  1. Qijuan Hu., Tao Jiang., Ben W. Thomas., Ji Chen., Yingxiao Hu., Faming Kong., Yuanyu Yang., Xinping Chen., Yuting Zhang *., Xiaojun Shi *. Legume cover crops enhance soil organic carbon via microbial necromass in orchard alleyways. Soil and Tillage Research. 2023, 234: 105858

  2. Zelin Shen., Guangliang Liu., Yingying Guo., Tao Jiang., Yanwei Liu., Jianbo Shi., Ligang Hu., Yongguang Yin *., Yong Cai., Guibin Jiang. Dissolved organic matter mediated dark- and photo-aging processes of Hg(II): Critical impacts of binding sites and sulfidation on Hg(II) abiotic reduction and microbial methylation. Water Research. 2023, 242: 120294

  3. Pei Lei., Ri-Qing Yu., Yaqi Kong., Stefan Bertilsson., Martin Tsz-Ki Tsui., Tao Jiang., Jiating Zhao., Yu-Rong Liu., Rinklebe Jörg., Huan Zhong *. Properly interpret metabolic inhibition results to identify primary mercury methylating microbes. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2023, 53:1757-1773

  4. Rongguo Sun., Tao Zhao., Li Fan *., Yutao Zhang., Jun Wang., Yang Yang., Tao Jiang *., Yingdong Tong *. The transformation of soil Hg oxidation states controls elemental Hg release in the greenhouse with applying organic fertilizer. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 454: 131520

  5. Mahmoud A. Abdelhafiz., Jiang Liu., Tao Jiang., Qiang Pu., Muhammad Wajahat Aslam., Kun Zhang., Bo Meng., Xinbin Feng. DOM influences Hg methylation in paddy soils across a Hg contamination gradient. Environmental Pollution. 2023, 322: 121237

  6. Siqi Zhang., Yongguang Yin., Peijie Yang., Cong Yao., Shanyi Tian., Pei Lei., Tao Jiang*., Dingyong Wang. Using the end-member mixing model to evaluate biogeochemical reactivities of dissolved organic matter (DOM): autochthonous versus allochthonous origins. Water Research. 2023, 232: 119644

  7. Xiping Hou., Yaoyao Yan., Yuqin Wang., Tao Jiang., Xiaohui Zhang., Xianzhu Dai., Yasuo Igarashi., Feng Luo*., Caiyun Yang*. An insight into algicidal characteristics of Bacillus altitudinis G3 from dysfunctional photosystem and overproduction of reactive oxygen species. Chemosphere. 2023, 136767

  8. Pengyu Feng., Yuping Xiang., Dan Cao., Hui Li., Lanqing Wang., Mingxuan Wang., Tao Jiang., Yongmin Wang., Dingyong Wang*., HongShen*. Occurrence of methylmercury in aerobic environments: Evidence of mercury bacterial methylation based on simulation experiments. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022. 438, 129560

  9. Siqi Zhang., Mingxing Wang., Jiang Liu., Shanyi Tian., Xueling Yang., Guangquan Xiao., Guomin Xu., Tao Jiang*., Dingyong Wang. Biochar affects methylmercury production and bioaccumulation in paddy soils: insights from soil-derived dissolved organic matter. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022. 119, 68-77

  10. Juan Wang., Yuping Xiang., Xiaosong Tian., Cheng Zhang., Guiqing Gong., Jinping Xue., Tao Jiang., DingyongWang*., YongminWang*. Role of the rhizosphere of a flooding-tolerant herb in promoting mercury methylation in water-level fluctuation zones. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2022. 119, 139-151

  11. Peijie Yang., Tao Jiang., Zhiyuan Cong., Guangliang Liu., Yingying Guo., Yanwei Liu., Jianbo Shi., Ligang Hu., Yongguang Yin*., Yong Cai., and Guibin Jiang. Loss and increase of the electron exchange capacity of natural organic matter during its reduction and reoxidation: the role of quinone and nonquinone moieties. Environmental Science and Technology. 2022. 56(10), 6744-6753

  12. Yuying Cui., Qingru Wu., Kaiyun Liu., Shuxiao Wang*., Xu Wang., Tao Jiang., Bo Meng., Yurong Wu., Jia Guo. Source apportionment of speciated mercury in Chinese rice grain using a high-resolution model. ACS environmental Au. 2022. 2(4), 324-335

  13. Yuqin Wang., Jiang Liu., Van Liem-Nguyen., Shanyi Tian., Siqi Zhang., Dingyong Wang., Tao Jiang*. Binding strength of mercury (II) to different dissolved organic matter: the role of DOM properties and sources. Science of the Total Environment. 2022. 807 (Part 3): 150979

  14. Jiang Liu., Lei Zhao., Kun Kong., Mahmoud A. Abdelhafiz., Shanyi Tian., Tao Jiang., Bo Meng*., Xinbin Feng. Uncovering geochemical fractionation of the newly deposited Hg in paddy soil using a stable isotope tracer. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022. 433: 128752

  15. Mingxing Wang., Jiang Liu., Luo Peng., Shanyi Tian., Caiyun Yang., Guomin Xu., Dingyong Wang., Tao Jiang*. Estimation of the biogeochemical reactivities of dissolved organic matter from modified biochars using color. Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 790: 147974

  16. Jiang Liu., Jian Liang., Andrea G. Bravo., Shiqiang Wei., Caiyun Yang., Dingyong Wang., Tao Jiang*. Anaerobic and aerobic biodegradation of soil extracted dissolved organic matter from the water-level-fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 764: 142857

  17. Yongjie Wang., Yue Zhang., Yong Sik Ok, Tao Jiang., Peng Liu., Rui Shu., Dingyong Wang., Xinde Cao., Huan Zhong*. Biochar-impacted sulfur cycling affects methylmercury phytoavailability in soils under different redox conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021. 407, 124397

  18. Pei Lei., Chao Tang., Yongjie Wang., Mengjie Wu., Raymond W.M. Kwong., Tao Jiang., Huan Zhong*. Understanding the effects of sulfur input on mercury methylation in rice paddy soils. Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 778: 146325

  19. Pei Lei., Jin Zhang., Jinjie Zhu., Qiaoguo Tan., Raymond W.M. Kwong., Ke Pan., Tao Jiang., Mohammad Naderi., Huan Zhong*. Algal organic matter drives methanogen-mediated methylmercury production in water from eutrophic shallow lakes. Environmental Science and Technology. 2021. 55, 15: 10811-10820

  20. 陈莎, 谢青, 付梅, 江韬, 王永敏*, 王定勇.三峡库区典型支流水库浮游生物群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系. 环境科学2021. 42: 2303-2312

  21. Tao Jiang*., Dingyong Wang., Bo Meng., Jinshu Chi., Hjalmar Laudon, Jiang Liu. The concentrations and characteristics of dissolved organic matter in high-latitude lakes determine its ambient reducing capacity. Water Research. 2020. 169: 115217.

  22. Tao Jiang., Joeri Kaal., Jiang Liu., Jiang Liang., Yaoling Zhang., Dingyong Wang*. Linking the electron donation capacity for Hg(II) to the molecular composition of soil DOM from the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2020. 90:146-156 (Cover Paper)

  23. Jiang Liu., Dingyong Wang., Jinzhong Zhang., Van Liem-Nguyen., Rong Huang., Tao Jiang*. Evaluation of Hg methylation in the water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir region by using the MeHg/HgT ratio. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020. 195: 110468.

  24. Yu Song., Gbotemi A. Adediran., Tao Jiang., Shusaku Hayama., Erik Björn., Ulf Skyllberg*. Toward an internally consistent model for Hg(II) chemical speciation calculations in bacterium-natural organic matter-low molecular mass thiol systems. Environmental Science and Technology. 2020. 54, 8094-8103

  25. Wu Feng., Tuo Zhao., Ying Yao*., Tao Jiang., Bing Wang., Meiling Wang. Recycling supercapacitor activated carbons for adsorption of silver (I) and chromium (VI) ions from aqueous solutions. Chemosphere. 2020. 238: 124638

  26. 江韬Joeri Kaal, 梁俭, 刘江, 张耀玲, 王定勇*, 魏世强, 赵铮. 三峡库区消落带土壤溶解性有机质溯源:基于氮/碳比值的线性双端元源负荷分析. 环境科学, 2019, 40: 2647-2656

  27. Jiang Liu., Tao Jiang*., Dolly N. Kothawala., Qilei Wang., Zheng Zhao., Dingyong Wang., Zhijian Mu., Jinzhong Zhang. Rice-paddy field acts as a buffer system to decrease the terrestrial characteristics of dissolved organic matter exported from a typical small agricultural watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019. 26:23873-23885

  28. Yunyun Li., Jiating Zhao., Huan Zhong*., Yongjie Wang., Hong Li., Yu-Feng Li., Van Liem-Nguyen., Tao Jiang., Zhiyong Zhang., Yuxi Gao., Zhifang Chai. Understanding enhanced microbial MeHg production in Mining-contaminated paddy soils under sulfate amendment: changes in Hg mobility or microbial methylators? Environmental Science and Technology. 2019. 53: 1844-1852

  29. 闫金龙*, 吴文丽, 江韬, 魏世强. 土壤组分对磷形态和磷吸附-解吸的影响:基于三峡库区消落带落干期土壤. 中国环境科学. 2019, 39: 1124-1131

  30. 吴文丽*,闫金龙,江韬, 魏世强. 天然有机质-金属离子/氧化物-磷复合物的研究进展. 生态与农村环境学报. 2019, 35: 1089-1096

  31. Tao Jiang., Andrea G. Bravo., Ulf Skyllberg., Erik Björn., Dingyong Wang., Haiyu Yan*., Nelson W. Green. Influences of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics on dissolved mercury (Hg) species composition in sediment porewater of lakes from southwest China. Water Research. 2018. 146:146-158

  32. Tao Jiang*., Dingyong Wang., Shiqiang Wei., Jinlong Yan., Jian Liang., Xueshuang Chen., Jiang Liu., Qilei Wang., Song Lu., Jie Gao., Lulu Li., Nian Guo., Zheng Zhao. Influences of the alternation of wet-dry periods on the variability of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018. 636:249-259

  33. Tao Jiang*., Xueshuang Chen., Dingyong Wang., Jian Liang., Weiyang Bai., Cheng Zhang., Qilei Wang., Shiqiang Wei*. Dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a typical inland lake of the Three Gorges Reservoir area: fluorescence properties and their implications for dissolved mercury species. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018. 206: 418-429

  34. Jiang Liu., Tao Jiang., Feiyue Wang., Jinzhong Zhang*., Dingyong Wang., Rong Huang., Deliang Yin., Zeyan Liu., Jinzhu Wang. Inorganic sulfur and mercury speciation in the water level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: the role of inorganic reduced sulfur on mercury methylation. Environmental Pollution. 2018. 237:1112-1123.

  35. Yu Song., Tao Jiang., Van Liem-Nguyen., Tobias Sparrman, Erik Björn., Ulf Skyllberg*. Thermodynamics of Hg(II) bonding to thiol groups in Suwannee River natural organic matter resolved by competitive ligand exchange, Hg LIII-edge EXAFS and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Environmental Science and Technology. 2018. 52: 8292-8301

  36. Deliang Yin., Yongmin Wang., Tao Jiang., Caiqing Qin., Yuping Xiang., Qiuyu Chen., Jinping Xue., Dingyong Wang*. Methylmercury production in soil in the water-level -fluctuating zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: The key role of low-molecular-weight organic acids. Environmental Pollution. 2018. 235:186-196

  37. Wei Zhu., Yu Song., Gbotemi A. Adediran., Tao Jiang., Ana T. Reis., Eduarda Pereira., Ulf Skyllberg*., Erik Björn*. Mercury transformation in resuspended contaminated sediment controlled by redox conditions, chemical speciation and sources of organic matter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2018. 220: 158-179

  38. Tao Jiang*., Joeri Kaal., Jian Liang., Yaoling Zhang., Shiqiang Wei., Dingyong Wang., Nelson W. Green. Composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from periodically submerged soils in the Three Gorges Reservoir areas as determined by elemental and optical analysis, infrared spectroscopy, pyrolysis-GC–MS and thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation. Science of the Total Environment. 2017. 603-604: 461-471

  39. Tao Jiang., Ulf Skyllberg., Erik Björn., Nelson Green., Jianhui Tang*., Dingyong Wang*., Jie Gao., Chuxian Li. Characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and relationship with dissolved mercury in Xiaoqing River-Laizhou Bay estuary, Bohai Sea, China. Environmental Pollution. 2017. 223: 19-30

  40. Jinlong Yan., Tao Jiang*., Ying Yao., Jun Wang., Yuanli Cai., Nelson W. Green., Shiqiang Wei*. Underestimation of phosphorus fraction change in the supernatant after phosphorus adsorption onto iron oxides and iron oxide–natural organic matter complexes. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017. 55:197-205

  41. 何沅洁, 刘江, 江韬, 黄京晶, 成晴, 陈宏*. 模拟三峡库区消落带优势植物根系低分子量有机酸对土壤中铅的解吸动力学. 环境科学, 2017, 38(2): 600-607






中国矿物岩石地球化学学会, 终身会员

International Humic Substance Society (IHSS), Member

European Association of Geochemistry (EAG), Member


















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