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主讲课程: 环境学、环境化学、环境科学与工程前沿




19961月至19996月:Department of Chemistry, Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala, Sweden,博士研究生,客座研究员。

199410月至199512月:Department of Chemistry, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University. Sweden,客座研究员。





1. 重庆市环境科学学会副理事长,生态与化学专业委员会主任。

2. 中国土壤学会第八、九届理事会土壤化学专业委员会委员、副主任。

3. 重庆土壤学会理事、常务理事。



1. 重庆学术技术带头人,重庆市人事局,20088

2. 重庆市高校中青年骨干教师称号,重庆市教育委员会,20079

3. 重庆市农地污染与农作物健康品质相关规律及综合控制技术。主持人,获2007年度重庆市科技进步二等奖

4. 含氯肥料科学施肥和机理的研究。主研,获1997年原化工部科技进步一等奖.1998年国家级科技进步二等奖

5. 紫色土稻麦配方施肥模式研究推广应用。 主研,获1992年原国家教委科技进步二等奖和国家级星火奖四等奖


1. 2018年国家重点研发计划项目:西南粮食主产区重金属和农业面源污染综合防治与修复技术示范。项目编号:2018YFD0800600,起止时间:2018.07-2020.12;总经费:1521万。

2. 2020年度国家重点研发计划课题:西南重金属污染农田安全利用技术模式成果转化与产业化。课题编号:SQ2020YFF0426438。起止时间:20200701-20220630,总经费100万元。

3. 2017年度国家重点研发计划子课题:低累积水稻与超/高富集植物间套种修复重金属的优化模式与调控技术。子课题编号:2017YFD0800903-02;起止时间:2017.07-2020.12;直接经费60万元。

4. 国家自然科学基金,西南高地质背景区土壤酸化与重金属活性演变的偶联机制及作物响应。基金编号:42177012/D0701, 起止日期:2022.01-2025.12。直接经费57万。

5. 国家自然科学基金:天然有机质(NOM)调控土壤镉和铅生物活性的效应与机理研究。基金编号:41771347。起止时间:2018.01-2021.12;直接经费:63万元。

6. 国家自然科学基金:三峡库区消落带土壤磷素源-汇功能转换机理与风险评价。2012.01~2015.12,项目编号:41171198/D01050365万。

7. 国家自然科学基金:腐殖酸的氧化还原/配位络合特性及其对土壤中汞形态分异与活性钝化的影响机理。2010.01~2012.12,项目编号:4097114740万元

8. 国家自然科学基金:两相反应: 腐殖酸金属离子反应机理的新探索,2001.01-2003.12,课题编号:4007104920万元。

9. 重庆市科技局2017年重点研发计划项目:重庆市粮食主产区镉污染稻田安全利用与高效修复一体化技术研究与产品研发。项目编号:cstc2017shms-zdyfX0008,起止时间:2017.09-2020.12;总经费:50万元.

10. 重庆市农业农村委员会农田安全利用重点项目:重庆市受污染耕地安全利用技术专家验证。合同编号:21C00744,起止日期:2021.01-2021.12, 经费100万元。

11. 国家973项目子课题:中亚热带背景区大气汞分布特征及传输过程。2013.07~2017.12,项目编号:2013CB430003-04105.3万。

12. 重庆市环境保护局:自然资源资产管理与监督研究。合同号:环科字2014CF222号,起止时间:2014.05~2015.05,经费100万。

13. 云南省烟草公司:昭通烟区生态环境条件对烟叶品质的影响研究,2010.01~2012.12150万,编号:社428


1. Na Liu, Xuge Lou, Xiong Li, Zuping Shuai, Hanyi Liu, Zhenmao Jiang, Shiqiang Wei*. Rhizosphere dissolved organic matter and iron plaque modified by organic amendments and its relations to cadmium bioavailability and accumulation in rice. Science of the Total Environment, 792 (2021) 148216.

2. Na Li, Aixuan Feng, Na Liu, Zhenmao Jiang, Shiqiang Wei*. Silicon application improved the yield and nutritional quality while reduced cadmium concentration in rice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020), 27, 20370–20379(2020)

3. Bai, H., Luo, M., Wei, S*., Jiang, Z., He, M., The vital function of humic acid with different molecular weight in controlling Cd and Pb bioavailability and toxicity to earthworm (Eisenia fetida) in soil, Environmental Pollution. (2020), 261:114222

4. Na Liu, Zhenmao Jiang, Xiong Li, Hanyi Liu, Na Li, Shiqiang Wei * Mitigation of Rice Cadmium ( Cd) Accumulation by Joint Application of Organic Amendments and Selenium (Se) in High-Cd-Contaminated Soils. Chemosphere ,241 (2020) 125106.

5. Hongcheng Bai, Shiqiang Wei*, Zhenmao Jiang, Mingjing He, Biying Ye, Gaoyun Liua.  Pb (II) bioavailability to algae (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) in relation to its complexation with humic acids of different molecular weight. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 167 (2019) 1–9.

6. Hongcheng Bai, Zhenmao Jiang, MinjinHe, Biying Ye, Shiqiang Wei*. Relating Cd2+ binding by humic acids to molecular weight: A modeling and spectroscopic study. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 70 ( 2018 ) 154 – 165.

7. Hongguang Zhou, Zhenmao Jiang, Shiqiang Wei*.  Adsorption of Cd(II) from Aqueous Solutions by a Novel Layered Double Hydroxide FeMnMg-LDH. Water Air and Soil Pollution. (2018) 229(3):78

8. Hongguang Zhou, Zhenmao Jiang, Shiqiang Wei*Jie Liang. A new hydrotalcite-like absorbent FeMnMg-LDH and its adsorption capacity for Pb2+ ions in water. Applied Clay Science 153 (2018) 29–37.  

9. Tao Jiang, Xueshuang Chen, Dingyong Wang, Jian Liang, Weiyang Bai, Cheng Zhang, Qilei Wang, Shiqiang Wei*.  Dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a typical inland lake of the Three Gorges Reservoir area: Fluorescent properties and their implications for dissolved mercury species. Journal of Environmental Management. 206 (2018) 418-429.

10. Jinlong Yan, Tao Jiang, Ying YaoJun Wang, Yuanli CaiNelson W. GreenShiqiang Wei*. Underestimation of phosphorus fraction change in the supernatant after phosphorus adsorption onto iron oxides and iron oxide-natural organic matter complexes. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2017, 55 (5) :197-205.

11. Ming-Jing He, Shi-Qiang Wei*  Yu-Xin Sun, Ting Yang, Qi Li, Deng-Xiang Wang. Levels of five metals in male hair from urban and rural areas of Chongqing, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 2016, 23 (21) :1-9.

12. Jinlong Yan, Tao Jiang, Ying Yao, Song Lu, Qilei Wang, Shiqiang Wei*. Preliminary investigation of phosphorus adsorption onto two types of iron oxide-organic matter complexes. Journal of Environmental Science, 2016, 42 :152 – 162.

13. Chang Luo, Yawei Xie, Fang Li, Tao Jiang, Qiang Wang, Zhenmao Jiang, and Shiqiang Wei*. Adsorption of Arsenate on Ferric Oxides as Influenced by Humic Acids. Journal of Environmental Quality  2015 44: 6: 1729-1737.

14. Tao Jiang, Ulf Skyllberg, Shiqiang Wei*, Dingyong Wang, Song Lu, Zhenmao Jiang, Dennis C. Flanagan. Modeling of the structure-specific kinetics of abiotic, dark reduction of Hg(II) complexed by O/N and S functional groups in humic acids while accounting for time-dependent structural rearrangement. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 154 (2015) 151–167.

15. G. P. Liu, Y. M. Wu, Y. L. Yuan, Y. Q. Chai, S. Q. Wei* and D. J. Zhang Manganese(lll) meso-tetrakis(4-N-methylpyridyl) porphyrin and mediator thionine co-decorated DNA nanowires for sensitive electrochemical monitoring of mercury(lI). RSC Adv. 2014, 4 :52117-52122.

16. Guangpeng Liu, Yali Yuan, Shiqiang Wei,* and Dujian Zhang Impedimetric DNA-Based Biosensor for Silver Ions Detection with Hemin/G-Quadruplex Nanowire as Enhancer. Electroanalysis, 2014, 26, 2732 – 2738.

17. Yuan Y L, Gao M, Liu G P, Chai Y Q, Wei S Q,Yuan R. Sensitive pseudobienzyme electrocatalytic DNA biosensor for mercury(II) ion by using the autonomously assembled hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme nanowires for signal amplification. Analytica Chimica Acta, 811:23-28 , 2014.

18. 陈莹刘汉燚刘娜蒋珍茂魏世强*农地土壤重金属PbCd有效性测定方法的筛选与评价。环境科学,427):406-418, 2021

19. 罗梅, 柏宏成, 陈亭悦, 魏世强* 腐殖酸对土壤铅镉吸附、赋存形态及生物可给性的影响. 中国环境科学,  2020, 40  (3): 1191-1202

20. 李娜,贺红周,冯爱煊,李伟,蒋珍茂,魏世强* 渝西地区镉轻度污染稻田安全利用技术。环境科学,4010):4637-46462019.









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