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主讲课程: 《生态学》、《景观生态学》、《资源环境前沿》











中国林学会第三届(2022-2027)水土保持专业委员会 委员

中国植物营养与肥料学会第十届(2022-2027)生态环境专业委员会 委员





全国第一届大学生“山水林田湖草沙”生态保护与修复创新设计大赛研究生组银奖 指导老师

全国第一届大学生“山水林田湖草沙”生态保护与修复创新设计大赛本科生组优秀奖 指导老师

第七届中国国际互联网+”大学生创新产业大赛校内选拔赛优秀奖 指导老师

2021年重庆市市级大学生创新创业训练计划项目优秀结题 指导老师











岩溶环境重庆市重点实验室开放课题(Cqk202302), 2024.01-2025.12




  1. Li TY, Liang C, He BH, Li SY*, 2023. Effects of cornstalk mulching and rainfall intensity on the quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon in runoff: A field rainfall simulation at the plot scale. Land Degradation and Development, 34, 3920-3931.

  2. 李天阳, 何丙辉*, 张海香, 袭培栋. 2023.典型农作措施对沙溪庙组壤质紫色土坡耕地径流氮流失的影响.生态学报,43(10), 3894-3905.

  3. Li TY, Zhang Y, He BH*, Wu XY, Du YN. 2022. Nitrate loss by runoff in response to rainfall amount category and different combinations of fertilization and cultivation in sloping croplands. Agricultural Water Management, 273, 107916.

  4. Long XJ, Zhang Y, Ye Y, Ye Y, Xu TB, Li TY*. 2022. Spatiotemporal water quality variations in the urbanizing Chongqing reach of Jialing River, China. Water Supply, 22(5), 5603-5617.

  5. Li TY, He BH*, Zhang YQ, Fu S, Zhang Y, Long XJ. 2021. Spatiotemporal dynamics of coupled dissolved silica and bicarbonate in a dam-induced urban lake system in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Journal of Hydrology, 597, 126181.

  6. Li TY, Zeng JM, He BH*, Chen ZP. 2021. Changes in soil C, N, and P concentrations and stoichiometry in Karst Trough Valley Area under ecological restoration: The role of slope aspect, land use, and soil depth. Forests, 12, 144.

  7. Li TY, Zhang YQ, He BH*, Yang B, Huang Q. 2021. Periodically hydrologic alterations decouple the relationships between physicochemical variables and chlorophyll-a in a dam-induced urban lake. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 99, 187-195.

  8. Li TY, Li SY*, Liang C, He BH, Bush RT. 2019. Erosion vulnerability of sandy clay loam soil in Southwest China: Modeling soil detachment capacity by flume simulation. Catena, 178, 90-99.

  9. Li TY, Li SY*, Liang C. 2019. The immediate effects of downslope cornstalk mulch (DCM) on sediment yield, runoff and runoff-associated dissolved carbon loss in a representative hillslope, Southwestern China. Catena, 175, 9-17.

  10. Li TY, Wang CY, He BH*, Liang C, Zhang Y, Zhang YQ. 2019. Soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry under different tree-cropping systems in a purple hillslope in southwestern China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65, 741-754.

  11. Li TY, Li SY*, Bush RT, Liang C. 2018. Extreme drought decouples silicon and carbon geochemical linkages in lakes. Science of the Total Environment, 634, 1184-1191.

  12. Li TY, Li SY*, Liang C*, Bush RT, Xiong LH, Jiang YJ. 2018. A comparative assessment of Australia’s Lower Lakes water quality under extreme drought and post-drought conditions using multivariate statistical techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production, 190, 1-11.

  13. Li TY, He BH*, Chen ZP, Zhang Y, Liang C. 2017. Effects of gravel on concentrated flow hydraulics and erosion in simulated landslide deposits. Catena, 156, 197-204.

  14. Li TY, Liang C*, Zhang Y, Zhao P. 2017. Comparison and validation of the ratio of manning coefficient to flow depth for soil erosion prediction using published data with different external impacts. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17(6), 1682-1695.

  15. Li TY, He BH*, Wang RX, Chen ZP, Zhang Y, Liang C, Zhao P. 2017. Comparison of hydrodynamic parameters for predicting soil and water loss on simulation landslide deposit slope in Wenchuan earthquake area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 76(4), 167.

  16. Li TY, He BH*, Chen ZP, Zhang Y, Liang C, Wang RX. 2016. Effects of gravel on infiltration, runoff, and sediment yield in landslide deposit slope in Wenchuan earthquake area China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(12), 12075-12084.

  17. Li TY, He BH*, Zhang Y, Tian JL, He XR, Yao Y, Chen XY. 2016. Fractal analysis of soil physical and chemical properties in five tree-cropping systems in southwestern China. Agroforestry Systems, 90, 457-468.

  18. 李天阳, 何丙辉*, 雷廷武, 陈展鹏, 张怡. 2014. 汶川震区滑坡堆积体土石混合坡面细沟水动力学特征室内试验. 水利学报, 45(8)892-902.

  19. 李天阳, 何丙辉*, 田家乐, 张怡, 闫建梅, 贺小容, 李建兴. 2013.重庆市山地血橙园不同种植模式土壤理化性质关联分析. 中国生态农业学报, 21(11), 1395-1402.

  20. 李天阳, 何丙辉*, 田家乐, 闫建梅, 张怡, 李振林, 秦川, 贺小容. 2013. 重庆璧山5种典型农林混作模式土壤理化性质及水分入渗特性. 水土保持学报, 27(4), 103-108+200.

  21. Thapa M#, Li TY#, He BH*, Zhang L. 2022. Soil C, N, and P stoichiometry in response to different land uses in an agroforestry hillslope of Southwest China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 68, 615-629.

  22. Guo XM#, Li TY#, He BH*, He XR, Yao Y. 2017. Effects of land disturbance on runoff and sediment yield after natural rainfall events in southwestern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 9259-9268.

  23. Song L, Li TY, He BH*, Huang H. 2024. Runoff nitrogen losses under confluence and diverging drainage systems in the sloped plot scale: A comparative study. Journal of Environmental Management, 351, 119855.

  24. Liu JY, Li TY, He BH*, Xi PD. 2024. Effects of quantitative fertilization and straw mulch on runoff nitrate- and ammonium‑nitrogen losses under natural rainfall events in purple soil sloping croplands, Southwest China. Ecological Engineering, 201, 107196.

  25. Zhang YQ, Song L, Bi YF, He BH*, Zeng RC, Li TY. 2024. Effects of the angle between the rock strata and slope on flow hydraulics and sediment yield in karst trough valley: laboratory scour experiment. International Journal of Sediment Research, 39, 100-109.

  26. Zhang YQ, Zeng RC, Li TY, Song L, He BH*. 2023. Intelligent analysis strategy for the key factor of soil nitrogen and phosphorus loss via runoff under simulated karst conditions. Forests, 14, 2109.

  27. Asif Khan, Zhang GN, Li TY, He BH*. 2023. Fertilization and cultivation management promotes soil phosphorus availability by enhancing soil P-cycling enzymes and the phosphatase encoding genes in bulk and rhizosphere soil of a maize crop in sloping cropland. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 264, 115441.

  28. Zeng C, Li TY, He BH*, Feng MD, Liang K.2023. Effects of vegetation succession on topsoil C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry following agricultural abandonment in a representative karst trough valley. Ecological Engineering, 192, 106989.

  29. Liang K, Li TY, He BH*, Qian T. 2023. Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in runoff discharge under different rainfall patterns in a representative agricultural catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 129079.

  30. Liang K, Bi YF, He BH*, Feng MD, Xi PD, Li TY. 2023. Changes in quantity and quality of dissolved organic carbon in purple soil: Roles of land use and soil depth. Land Degradation and Development, 34, 327-337.

  31. Feng MD, Li TY, He BH*, Bai LX, Wu XY. 2022. Soil water repellency and micro-aggregate fractions in response to crop growth period in a sloping cropland subjecting to long-term fertilization management. Science of the Total Environment, 838, 156350.

  32. Liang K, He XR, He BH*, Guo XM, Li TY. 2022. Runoff-associated nitrogen and phosphorus losses under natural rainfall events in purple soil area: the role of land disturbance and slope length. Water Supply, 22, 1995-2007.

  33. Du YN, Li TY, He BH*. 2021. Runoff-related nutrient loss affected by fertilization and cultivation in sloping croplands: An 11-year observation under natural rainfall. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 319, 107549.

  34. 张高宁, 徐绮雯, 何丙辉*李天阳, 冯梦蝶, 梁珂. 2023. 平衡施肥与秸秆覆盖对紫色土坡耕地养分及其化学计量的影响. 环境科学, 44(9), 5135-5144.

  35. 曾荣昌, 张玉启, 何丙辉*, 李天阳, 张海香. 2023.喀斯特槽谷区不同岩石与坡面夹角下集中流侵蚀水动力学特征.土壤学报, 60(3), 762-775.

  36. 吴小雨, 李天阳, 何丙辉*. 2021.长期施肥和耕作下紫色土坡耕地径流TNTP流失特征.环境科学, 42(6), 2810-2816.

  37. 杜映妮, 李天阳, 何丙辉*. 2021.不同施肥和耕作处理紫色土坡耕地碳、氮、磷流失特征.植物营养与肥料学报, 27(12), 2149-2159.

  38. 曾荣昌, 张玉启, 何丙辉*, 李天阳, 曾成. 2021.喀斯特槽谷区岩层与坡面夹角对坡面集中流水力学特性的影响.土壤学报, 58(5), 1179-1189.

  39. 付适, 倪九派, 何丙辉*, 李天阳, 唐毅, 钱田, 向可翠. 2020. 汉丰湖正式运行年水体营养盐分布特征.环境科学, 41(5), 2116-2126

  40. 杜映妮, 李天阳, 何丙辉*, 贺小容, 付适. 2020.长期施肥和耕作下紫色土坡耕地土壤CNP K 化学计量特征.环境科学, 41(1), 394-402.

  41. 李少华, 何丙辉*, 李天阳, 郭正曙, 曾凤铃. 2019.紫色土丘陵区生物埂不同植被类型土壤分离水动力学特征.水土保持学报, 33(3):70-75.

  42. 曾江敏, 何丙辉*, 李天阳, 陈展鹏, 吴耀鹏, 曾荣昌. 2019.喀斯特槽谷区不同林草恢复模式下土壤入渗特征.水土保持学报, 33(4):58-64.










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